Ólafur Arnalds

Forum Karlin Pernerova 51, Prague 29/6/2022 8:00 PM
8:00 PM - Ólafur Arnalds

Ólafur Arnalds' music changing space, time and consciousness

Ólafur Arnalds can immerse any space into concentration and musical meditation, and if you listen carefully and let yourself drift, you will understand. The Icelandic musician is selling out the most famous music halls all around the world. The Royal Albert Hall? The Sydney Opera House? No problem. Because that’s exactly where his haunting, but very subtle and intimate music fits perfectly. Ólafur’s music, though, is another level. He can perfectly capture the attention of the audience in such places as Strahov’s club 007, where a not very large audience devoured him during his first concert in Prague in 2008. Or, when he attracts the absolute attention of thousands of people at a festival, calms them down and plays for them, as he did at Colours of Ostrava.


Ólafur Arnalds is a musician who can expand horizons and shift perceptions. His music melts even listeners who think that delicate music is not for them. You may also find that you don’t quite fit the pigeonholes you put yourself in as a music lover either. It is precisely with his transcendence and clarity, regardless of genres, that the Icelandic musician captivates audiences all around the world.


Ólafur Arnalds will come to Forum Karlín two years after the release of his album some kind of peace. Forum Karlín is a a perfect space to listen to his music, second only to a dawn in Iceland. In the modern and minimalist hall, the whole evening will belong to purely ethereal melodies and perfect sound.


Media partner of the show is Radio1

more about Ólafur Arnalds

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